Wild Willow Hollow

Wild Willow Hollow

Monday, April 18, 2016

Great Numbers

We realized after we left the girls yesterday that we didn't get any pictures of them, and we wanted to change out some old frames they weren't using. So here are a couple of pictures to enjoy and one in particular has a bee that has just developed wax and you can see the white wax on the left side. I put a red circle around her so you can see.

Top bar of the bottom super.

One nice looking frame.

A busy frame that will have to be changed out soon.

One more full frame that will be replaced later on.

Great numbers for the spring.

One making wax and one working on comb.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Spring Is Here

Today we opened the girls up for spring. We took off the winter wrap, did a quick look and they were plentiful, and busy. We changed out the bottom board for a new modified one, it has a bit of a ramp so the water will run off and not pool in front of the entrance causing a problem. We gave them pollen patties and 3 liters of sugar syrup with medicine. They have been out foraging because we can see several with their pollen baskets full. They still need the syrup and patties this time of the year to help them get stronger. With the amount of bees we saw today the Queen is doing great.

Before the wrap came off.

After the wrap came off.
You can see the pollen on them.

An inner cover for the feeding pail.

Three brood chambers and a super to hold the syrup pail.

ReBecca got the first sting this year.

Finishing Up

Well after a 6 week break from working in the shop because if a serious accident, I've finally finished building the remaining parts we'll need to spit the colony this spring. I finished the bottom boards, built two more inner covers for feeding, two Queen excluders, two bee escapes, and one more outer comer. All set to split the girls when the time is right.

Bee Escape, Queen excluder, and inner covers.

IPM bottom boards.

Outer cover, the metal cover has been added.