Today's visit to the "Girls" was very productive, at least I thought so. We inspected each one to see if there were any Queen cells. In the right one were we thought didn't have the Queen, we found her there so no need for Queen cells, in the center we didn't see any, as well there seemed to be little going on Not much if any honey production just a bit of pollen gathering, this was not good. In the left colony we found two frames with Queen cells, one had a single cell and the other had four cells so we put the four celled one in the center colony so they'll have a new Queen soon, we hope, and the remaining cell in the left colony should produce a health Queen. We also added a Queen excluder and two shallow supers with bees wax foundations for our honey harvest. As well I added a screened inner cover to the two new colonies for better ventilation.
First look after splitting them up, top super. |
The bottom super, right colony. |
We found the Queen. |
A delicate touch is needed. No gloves. |
Lots of honey production. |
The single Queen cell. |
Two of the four Queen cells on one frame. |
Two Queen cells close together. |
You can see all four in this picture. |
There we are ready for the summers honey production. |