We started feeding the colony sugar syrup, a 2 -1 sugar to water ratio, when I "cook" it up I use 5 cups of water and dissolve 10 cups of sugar at a medium heat, and this makes about 2.5 liters of sugar syrup. As well the first two feedings we added Fuagilian-B, an antibiotic used overwintering colonies for Nosema apis infection, which can kill a colony, they will get one more application in the spring. Now we just keep feeding them because there isn't much out there for them. They will get as much as they can take and then we'll cover them up for the winter, after we take out the Apivar strips on the 25th.
A little high, the top super covers the sugar pail. |
Checking for mites. |
Outer cover comes off. |
Inner cover, and I'm covered just in case. |
Feeder pail and a thermal liner to keep heat in. |
Oct 10th, not much activity. |
This was the afternoon of the 7th, changing feeder pails. A little activity. |
This is the 10th, not much movement, they are keeping warm and conserving energy. |
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