With the temperatures climbing into the 30's and feel like around 39° C and very humid it's very hard for the bees to cool down or even try to evaporate the nectar to aid in making honey with the inner cover mostly wood. There is another type of inner cover with screen material that I made to help them out with ventilation. As well I made a frame for the Queen excluder, the holes are too small for the Queen to get through and is used between the Brood chamber and the honey super to keep her from laying any eggs in the open cells. We won't use it this year as we want them to build up their numbers and they are already making honey for the winter. When I went and put on the new inner cover they were very active coming and going. I think this is a good sign. Last week the Provincial Chief Apiary Inspector stopped in to see our hive and all looks great. We meet him and his wife a while ago and they have been a great source of information and are very willing to share their knowledge.
Double screen inner cover. |
Queen excluder. |
The Girls are busy. |
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